
The app in question is called Aslipundit and is available on the Google Play Store. After using and exploring the app, here is a review.

Firstly, the app offers a clean and easy-to-use interface. The home screen provides various categories to choose from, such as news, entertainment, education, and sports. Each category has numerous articles to read, and clicking on one opens a new screen with the full text of the article.

One of the great features of Aslipundit is that it supports multiple languages like Hindi, English, and Bengali. Users can choose their preferred language from the settings and have the app display the content in that language. It can be beneficial for non-native English speakers who might feel more comfortable reading news in their native language.

Another great feature is the Share option. Users can share articles with their friends and family on social media platforms like Whatsapp, Twitter, or Facebook. It makes it easy to stay connected and share current affairs and relevant news with those around us.

The downside of the app is that it does not have a search bar. If users want to find old articles, they will have to scroll through the content to find it. Also, some of the categories are limited to only a few articles, while others have consistent updates.

Overall, Aslipundit is a helpful app for those who like to stay up-to-date with current affairs in India. It’s easy-to-use interface, multilingual support, and sharing options make it a good choice for users who prefer their news in one place. However, the app can use some improvement in terms of category updates and having a search bar for convenience.

Download : AsliPundit APK

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